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Who's your best friend?

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Who's your best friend? 


Do you agree with the saying "Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are?"

Your current friends are a reflection of you, and are 100% your choice.  A friend is someone you chose to spend time and associate with. 
The people you choose to be around shape your personality, the way you think, the way you speak,  and the way you perceive the world.
Whether we are aware of it or not, the people we choose to pay attention to and consider friends frame our reality. They are a barometer of what is normal, what is possible.
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"  -Dan Pena
"You"re Only As Good As The Company You Keep"
It is difficult to learn to play basketball if you spend your days with a soccer team. The truth is, your choice of friends reflect the person you are today, and will in turn affect the person you will become tomorrow.  

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What to do

Use Smaller Plates For Unhealthy Foods

Since using a smaller plate may help you eat less by making portions look larger.

At the same time, a bigger plate can make a serving look smaller, causing you to add more food .

You can use this to your advantage by serving healthy food on bigger plates and less healthy food on smaller plates.


Eat Plenty of Protein

Protein has powerful effects on appetite. It can increase the feeling of fullness, reduce hunger and help you eat fewer calories.


Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

 Eating fiber-rich foods may increase satiety, helping you feel fuller for longer. 


Drink Water Regularly

 Drinking water can help you eat less and lose weight, especially if you drink it before a meal.


 See Health Benefits of Water


Serve Yourself Smaller Portions

Portion sizes have increased during the last few decades, especially at restaurants.

Larger portions encourage people to eat more, and have been linked to an increase in weight gain and obesity.


Eat Without Electronic Distractions

Paying attention to what you eat may help you eat fewer calories.

People who eat while they’re watching TV or playing computer games may lose track of how much they have eaten. This, in turn, can cause overeating.


Sleep Well

When it comes to health, sleep is often neglected. But in fact, It has a powerful effects on your appetite and weight.

A lack of sleep may disrupt the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin.

Having these hormones disrupted can increase your hunger and cravings for unhealthy food, leading to higher calorie intake


Chew Thoroughly and Slow Down

Your brain needs time to process that you’ve had enough to eat.

Chewing your food better makes you eat more slowly, which is associated with decreased food intake, increased fullness and smaller portions.

How quickly you finish your meals may also affect your weight.

A recent review of 23 observational studies reported that faster eaters are more likely to gain weight, compared to slower eaters .


Serve Unhealthy Food on Red Plates 

One weird trick is to use red plates to help you eat less. At least, this seems to work with unhealthy snack foods.

One study reported that volunteers ate fewer pretzels from red plates, compared to white or blue plates.



Stress will derail a body in no time at all.

If you want a quick way to lose weight without exercise, you need to find a reliable stress management technique; time and time again, research shows meditation to be one of the best methods there is.


Gratitude Practice

These 3 steps can help you start feeling more grateful, and appreciative of the good things in your life:

  1. Notice good things, look for them, appreciate them.

  2. Savor, absorb, and really pay attention to those good things.

  3. Express your gratitude to yourself, write it down, or thank someone.


Early Morning Activity

 Are you a morning person?

You may not realize it, but having an established morning routine can have a big impact on how quickly you lose weight.

Try getting your day started with a morning walk or some other type of physical activity. Here are some tips to have Great morning workouts.


Start Your Day with Protein

 Also, make it a point to start your morning with protein.

In order to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, you have to get a minimum of 20 grams in the morning. With this, you’ll stabilize your blood sugar, reduce cravings, and keep full for a longer period of time.


Heal Your Gut

Your gut is a huge component of your ability to lose weight.

Studies have shown that obese and overweight people have a different set of bacteria in their colon than healthy, lean people.

With this in mind, you should aim to improve the quality of the microorganisms in your gut, whether that’s eating more fermented vegetables like sauerkraut—I love sauerkraut—or supplementing with a good-quality probiotic.

Removing gluten will already be a big help because we know that it does serious damage to the gut lining. This allows all sorts of stuff to seep into your bloodstream and create inflammation, which in turn makes you pack on the pounds.


Contract Your Muscles

You might not have ever heard of this final tip before, but give it a shot: the next time you sit down to eat, try priming your body to receive those nutrients by contracting your muscles for 30 seconds.

You’ll feel heat generating in your body, which means your muscles are generating heat as a by-product. Your breathing will also increase.


Write It Down 

 There's one never-fail weight-loss trick: Keep a food diary. Just tracking helps prevent you from overdoing it. And now it's easier than ever. Instead of having to meticulously write down everything you eat, you can snap a photo of your food with your phone—and a study published in the International Journal of Consumer Studies found that shooting photos of food actually worked better than the pen-and-paper method. Taking a photo ahead of time gives you a chance to improve on your choice, suggests a study from University of Wisconsin-Madison: When the participants looked at photographs of their food, they realized that maybe they could cut back on the serving size or skip the snack they were considering.

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How to prevent obesity

These seven rules are simple enough that most can follow them:

 Avoid "Dieting": By dieting, you're setting yourself up to gain more weight than ever.  

Avoid "Fat-Free": Fat doesn't make you fat; you need fat in your diet to help you process certain nutrients. 

Sit Down to Eat: Eating more slowly and savoring your meal boosts levels of two hormones that make you feel fuller. 

Plan Your Meals and Snacks: Planning your responses to hunger helps you shed pounds faster.  

Eat Protein: Those who eat moderately high levels of protein (including organic animal protein) are twice as likely to lose weight and keep it off as those who don't eat much protein. 

Move Around: "Fit people stay fit by having fun."

Watch Less TV: Nearly 30 percent of people who watch more than four hours of TV a day have a BMI of 30 or higher. 


You can refer for detail

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Diet and Obesity

     Obesity does not happen overnight. It develops gradually over time, as a result of poor diet and lifestyle choices, such as: eating large amounts of processed or fast food that is high in fat and sugar. drinking too much alcohol – alcohol contains a lot of calories, and people who drink heavily are often overweight.

Components of a healthy diet

  • A healthy diet is low in saturated fats, salts and refined carbohydrates and high in fruit and vegetables. As well as this, eating whole grains, at least two servings of fish a week, and nuts can reduce the risk of CVD
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends individuals to:
    • Limit energy intake from total fats and shift fat consumption away from saturated fats to unsaturated fats and towards the elimination of transfatty acids
    • Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, and whole grains and nuts. Adults should consume at least 500g of fresh fruit and vegetables a day.
    • Limit the intake of free sugars and salt (sodium) consumption from all sources . Recent guidance recommends eating less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day

 recommended Diets to loose weight

But reducing calorie intake through diet is only half of the equation. The other half is increasing calorie burn by exercising, or at least staying moderately physically active. A contributor to OmniNerd wore a heart rate monitor and measured exactly how many calories he burned during typical daily activities:

  • 100 calories burned per hour sitting in a chair "working"

  • 5 calories burned riding an elevator up twenty-seven flights

  • 100 calories burned per hour watching TV or surfing the Internet at home

  • 750 calories burned for eight hours of sleeping

  • 220 calories burned in twenty minutes walking 11/4 miles downhill to my bus (+50 calories burned "cooling")

  • 60 calories burned walking one New York City block (west-east) (+10 calories "cooling")

  • 25 calories burned walking up five flights of stairs (+35 calories burned "cooling")

  • 315 calories burned walking 11/4 miles uphill from my bus (+75 calories burned "cooling")

  • 150 calories burned walking a dog for twenty minutes (Note: It was a slow walk, the dog is very old.)

  • 660 calories burned in forty minutes of weightlifting

  • 900+ calories burned in fifty minutes on an elliptical trainer

It's a reasonable set of advice: eat less, exercise more. We may do it more analytically than the average joe, but it's nothing you haven't heard a dozen times before. The problem is getting off our collective butts to do it. It's difficult to get motivated, particularly when exercise almost by definition draws you away from your obsession
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Obesity and Exercise

According to

Obesity is a significant health problem in the United States, affecting close to one-third of all adults. Although genetics can play a role in the likelihood that a person will become obese, the condition occurs when the amount of calories consumed exceeds the amount of calories expended over a long period of time.

Benefits of Regular Exercise
Regular exercise (and proper nutrition) can help reduce body fat as well as protect against chronic diseases associated with obesity. If you are looking for a reason to start an exercise program, listed below are five of the many benefits of regular physical activity.

  1. Exercise lowers risk for chronic diseases 
  2. Exercise improves your mood
  3. Exercise helps manage weight
  4. Exercise promotes better sleep
  5. Exercise can be FUN    

  • It is important to gradually increase the duration and intensity of the exercises, while understanding that you will have to build up to longer and more strenuous workouts.
  • Jogging can cause stress on the knees and joints and is generally not recommended for the obese because of risk for injury. Instead, stick to lower impact aerobic activities until you are in better shape.
  • Obese people should be especially careful about heat exhaustion given that they are less able to adapt to temperature changes. Wearing light clothing will allow for better heat exchange while exercising.
  • Hydration is very important for the obese, since they are susceptible to dehydration. Be sure to drink fluids frequently before, during, and after exercise.
  • Slow down or stop if you experience chest pains, shortness of breath, palpitations, nausea, pain in the neck or jaw, or major muscle or joint pain.
Integrate physical activity into daily activity:
  • Take the stairs.
  • Park farther from the door.
  • Take a short walk at lunch.
  • Turn off the TV.
  • Take walk breaks from work.
  • Wear a pedometer for monitoring your activity.
People don’t just have time to exercise…they MAKE time to exercise. Be in control of your life. Make exercise a part of your day, everyday!
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Best Exercises for Overweight or ObesePeoples

Walking -
one of the easiest and most effective ways to ease into a healthier lifestyle is to begin walking.

Aqua Jogging -
Water helps to support your body weight, which makes you feel lighter. It also reduces the impact on your joints, which means that the pain you might feel in your hips or knees from moving on land is virtually nonexistent when you stand in the water.

Group Exercise Classes include Barre, Cycle, Row, Zumba, Yoga, Mat Pilates, Hip Hop, Water Fitness, and many more.

Strength Training -
is a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles.

Mind-Body Exercise  -
practice yoga and/or Tai Chi

Tips For Success

  • An eye firmly fixed on the goal.
  • Will power.
  • A high tolerance for pain.

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Obesity Treatments


Weight reduction is achieved by:

Consuming fewer calories

Increasing activity and exercise

Structured approaches and therapies to reduce weight include:

A modified diet. A reasonable weight loss goal is 1 to 2 pounds per week. This can usually be achieved by eating 500 to 1,000 fewer calories each day. Whether you concentrate on eating less fat or fewer carbohydrates is up to you. Fats have more than twice as many calories per ounce than carbohydrates or protein. If you cut out carbohydrates, you still need to limit fat intake. Choose healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils.

Regular exercise. To effectively lose weight, most people need to do moderate intensity exercise for 60 minutes most days of the week. Add more activity during the day. Take the stairs and get up often from your desk or sofa.

Non-prescription orlistat (Alli). Orlistat inhibits fat absorption in the intestine. Until recently, this medication was only available by prescription (Xenical). The over-the-counter medicine is sold at a lower dose than Xenical. But the active ingredient is the same.

Other non-prescription diet pills. Over-the-counter diet pills often contain ingredients that can increase heart rate and blood pressure. It is not clear how effective they are in producing weight loss that can be maintained over time. Common side effects include feeling jittery and nervous and having heart palpitations. Some experts believe they may be associated with an increased risk of stroke.

Prescription diet pills. To help you lose weight, your doctor may prescribe medications along with a calorie-restricted diet. Almost all people regain weight when they stop using these medications. The effects of long-term use of these drugs have not been determined.

Surgery. In general, weight-loss surgery (called bariatric surgery) may be considered if your BMI is 40 or greater, or your BMI is 30-35 or greater and you have at least one medical condition directly related to obesity. In addition, you must have participated in a structured weight loss program without success.

The more common types of surgical procedures include:

Gastroplasty – also known as stomach stapling. A surgeon creates a small pouch in the stomach that allows only limited amounts of food to be eaten at one time.

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. A surgeon places an adjustable band around the stomach with minimally invasive surgery.

Gastric bypass. This is the most effective weight loss surgery. However, it also carries a greater risk of complications, both short term and long term. A surgeon creates a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach. A hole is made in the small intestine beyond the normal stomach attachment. The pouch is attached to the hole, bypassing the rest of the stomach and the top part of the small intestine.

When To Call a Professional

Call your doctor if you need help losing weight. Also call if you have any of the symptoms or complications of obesity.

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